Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mother's Day gift

"Dear Baby Harlow

Tomorrow is Mother's Day on earth... I'm not too sure if Heaven has the same calendar but if so, I want you to know there has never been a greater feeling in the world but to be your mother- to have given birth to the most beautiful baby I have ever laid my eyes on... I have never been able to forget about you- actually there isn't a single day I go by without thinking about the hour I held you in my arms... Your perfect little skin- rose cheeks, button nose... Your tiny fingers!!
I have been drowning closer to God once again- I guess I have learned to let go of the anger of having to let you go....
 I have always thought of you as a little baby even though you are growing up there. Today something supernatural happened- I saw you... You were no longer a baby... You were a little 1 year old little girl wearing a flowery brought me to tears- lots of them- a mix of sad and happy tears. I remembered one of the letters I wrote you once... I am so glad you are growing up and one day I pray you became a beautiful woman. I won't be there to guide you but there are some things I would love for you to know. I know one day you will be a teenager and will probably look down on me and say "oh mom, come on!", but this is my job Harlow... To guide you- that's what good mothers do. I never had that with your grandma and I would hate for you to feel that way about me. Know that I care, I love you and only want the beat for you!!
 I want to tell you to be a child for as long as you can. Enjoy your childhood- adulthood is NOT as exiting as you may think.. Play outside as much as you can... Don't waste your days in front of a black box called the TV- it will only make you dumb- listen to mommy: the best lessons in life are the ones we experience!!
 Be kind to others- kids can be mean but don't down yourself into that level- always be the better person by being loving and kind. Respect the elderly!!
When teenagehood come around, all things will change. You are going to be moody sometimes- hormones honey- totally normal but don't get caught up on silly stuff.
Don't smoke- it tastes bad, smells bad and it is very expensive. You will get drunk in your teenage days- and I hope you do, once, so that you learn it's not something you wanna make a habit out of. You will meet guys- some nice, some of them not as much... But when it comes the day you choose the man you will marry, make sure you are the apple of his eye, the center of his universe!! I won't be there on your weeding day but I will guide you to make the best decisions...
Grandma Darcy is an incredible godly woman and she lives up in Heaven- I hope you get to connect with her so she can help and guide you as you grow up...

Baby girl, I still can't wrap my head around the fact you are a lil toddler already but "seeing" you today has fulfilled my heart... I ask God I can have more of those visions of you... But for now I will guide you through my heart and thoughts... Thank you for giving me the greatest gift I have ever had- being a mother!! I love you and will miss you for as long as I live- and until that day we meet again my angel......."

Love Mom 

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